In these 64 years into what all perceive to be 'independence', we have only travelled from being ruled by white babus to now our own native babus. And the stupid system called democracy/socialism which designs our lives has over the years gone from bad to worse, lately. It would be far more sensible to spend this day discussing, talking and analysing the "progress" rather than just a gloat about a make-belief utopia that surrounds this day. True independence day to me would be when the system breaks down, to protect the people, and do nothing more or nothing less.
True independence is when one gets the free will to choose his trade, his love, his property and his identity. True independence would be when all could see at each other and not stimulate any emotion, any feeling of hatred, of dislike, of disgust.
True independence would be when the prejudice could be weeded out, not from our books, not from our laws, but from our thoughts, our minds and hearts.
True independence for me would be when one sees other for what they are, but not what their colour, their caste or their religion is.
True independence is where we need no leaders, where we need not rely on any big brothers to represent us and lead us (which now they do as 'ruling').
Independence from the helplessness that we experience while paying our petty bribes. Independence from the helplessness when we see apathy all around, and the mad rat race to make it big with the money, and the ruthlessness with which people trample over others, just to climb another insignificant and meaningless step of what is perceived to be 'success'.
The many independence days we celebrate would be meaningless when we know that few who are there to feed children with our money are letting the children starve.
The celebrations would be gross insensitive acts of apathy clear in its cruelty when we know there are amongst us who can't seem to be able to afford a three-course meal and we would feast on a supposed victory back in 1940s.
Life is unjust, but the means of this group of people living as Indians is not small. If independence be truly achieved, the means ought meet the ends, or it is a failed purpose.
I do not see Gandhiji smiling from his after-life. His soul, I believe, lives in India, and amongst Indians. And I am very sure it is weeping. It must be in anguish, though I think Gandhiji had made this prophecy. One of the few true leaders, who unlike many other pretending 'freedom-fighters', who were merely trying to get the power, did try to make this nation a 'Ramrajya' had known all along what was going to become of this nation. A mere shadow of what he had envisaged.
So, to me it would just be a ridiculous hypocrisy if someone came and wished me, or if I were to wish someone a 'Happy Independence Day'.
People do not comprehend the paradox, the irony, and the hypocrisy entailing that greeting. Hence this August 15th, I would say, time would be better spent trying to answer a few of the complicated questions, the whole of which are so gargantuan in volume that it would be imprudent for me to even attempt encasing them in a single article.
lol...just what i thought...great post...